
Friday 10 April 2009

Soul Quakes

There it is
At high noon in wintry cool
I am behind the curtain, breathing ever so slightly
Watching the wind rip the grass
and sunlight dance through my hair
making chestnut waves in a black rainbow

How do you accept that there is the hot sun
and yet you are freezing?
How do you learn that to smile is to live
and to doubt is to die?
How we burn and lie and cringe
Crying that we are suffering
as we feed our hungry demons

And between soul quakes and tremors
the beloved waits patiently
aching and starving

I don't know when this was written. The page lies open on Shaista's desk at home. Untouched since she went into hospital 5 weeks ago. Things continue to get harder for her. They've finally given up on trying to inject anything into her arms and have moved on to other even more painful places. The pain and discomfort continue - invasive causes mixed in with internal ones. Talking is getting harder and so is focusing on things being read out. And so we all wait.

Thanks for all the comments and messages. As ever, keep them coming and we'll pass them on. Much appreciated. Rizwan.
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