
Friday 17 January 2014


This being the year of the Horse (my year, according to the Chinese horoscope), I ought to be leaping about the place like a Disney princess, astride my dreams..

Instead, this summarises me rather neatly…

I have it on authority that I am anaemic and osteopenic - while not wildly so (not enough to be hooked up to receive a blood transfusion), it is enough to have me stapled to the bed most days. In between I write. My masters is nearly over, and I am almost done with the final 15,000 word project. But since I am only at the start of my memoir and novel, I feel as though there are great mountains yet to climb and I am sprawled at the foot of them, scrabbling about for nuts and berries to sustain myself. And green leafy vegetables… my dear Uncle Z bought me a blender and I plug into myself these nourishments. Here's hoping…


Illustrator of first image: Quentin Blake
Rest via google 


  1. sorry for the plight you must endure but interesting how the soul melds and molds into the form necessary to ride the wave of life that is given to us

    good luck with your masters pursuit

  2. My radiant friend, how frustrating. But the green juices will do wonders, drink many of them. And you are accomplishing a great deal, given your Masters, your thesis, AND a start on your memoir (which I will be first in line to buy!) So dont forget to pat yourself on the back and recognize how much you have accomplished. I know more will follow. You inspire me, as always. I have been putting off my memoir for almost a hundred years and now there are too many chapters, and not enough years left to write it. Hee hee. Rest easy, get strong and well..........

  3. Don't ever give up,noo matter what.

  4. Sorry to hear that Shaista. Here's hoping your body shakes off the anaemia soon and you have all the energy you need for all your bags of creativity.
