
Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Money Talks

Money drives by,
it never hitches a ride

Money suns itself
under an umbrella

Money counts
but never sees
an avenue of trees

Money buys
but is never pleased.

- Shaista, 2000

participating in One Shot Wednesday


  1. that is some good truth done poetically...

  2. yep - the real valuable things can't be bought with money...and you expressed this perfectly

  3. I love this, Shaista. When I lived in Tofino, there were two factions: the moneyed, who believed everything is a "resource" for humans, and the idealistic environmentalists, who want to preserve something for the future survival of the planet.

    "Money Rules" said one faction. A friend of mine came up with a great thought - "Money rules. But the spirit liberates." Cool, hey?

  4. John D. Rockefeller was once asked how much money would be enough: "Just a little bit more."

  5. Such truth in this, Shaista!

    Hope you're having a lovely summer, I'm mountained at the moment, mosquitoes, moths, and pine trees my guides. Miss you, hope you are well, tip top, love.

  6. Jeanne-ming :) I appreciate money, don't we all?!!
    I wrote this piece eleven years ago... maybe I'm less idealistic now?
    But when I think about friends travelling on shoestring budgets, I still agree with my words :)
    Or as Sherry put it... Money rules, but the spirit liberates!

  7. Marvelous, marvelous closing lines!

  8. Succinct and practically perfect in every way. Another success!

  9. truth, indeed. I agree with Mama Zen that those last two lines are killer. Nice write.

  10. very true, very true! and it is something that can never be pleased I guess!

    My One Shot ~ A Poetic World
