Autumn birds
and a sky so blue
I am flying through colour
that soaks into my skin
rich and deep
like balm.
Red leaves
shimmering wet
Once more to dance
Once more transformed
beneath the Painter's brush.
Poetry and Prose by Shaista Tayabali
הנני A few years ago, Leonard Cohen released a song on his 82nd birthday. 'You Want It Darker' is in English but for the rep...
beautiful beautiful beautiful
Wow, what a powerfully descriptive poem! Also, that is an amazing pastel landscape - it looks like it was done with watercolours.
Any poem that celebrates the arrival of my favourite season with vim and vigour this strong has the thumbs-up from me. And the illustration is the perfect visual paean to this yearly display of melancholy by Mama Natura.
On the movie about you posted in your previous column, it is me now who is feeling guilty. I have so many guilty pleasures that I would probably finish in the dock. Only that, they are not guilty for me.
At least once I have to watch 'In the Line of Fire' with the magnificent John Malkovich, 'Die Hard 3' just because I love the banter between Samuel L Jackson and Bruce Willis plus Jeremy Irons's accent. 'Philadelphia' and 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' are regular fixtures in my yearly movieslist, if only for the supporting roles, you can keep Tom Hanks, Hugh Grant and Andie Mc Dowell to yourself, thank you very much (and to think that at some point I was a fan of the latter). I never miss 'Fame' when it comes TCM as well as 'Hair', which by the way I have not seen for a long time.
There are so many. Arbitre of taste? If only! I am a Queen fan, which in this neck of the woods is tantamount to being a cross between Quentin Letts from the Daily Hate, sorry, Mail and Anne Widdecombe, i.e., an object of ridicule.
I wish you better when you bgo back in. I love your blog because it is simple and yet so profound. It has a strength that is difficult to equal let alone surpass. Many thanks for your comment, sis :-)!
Greetings from London.
"I am flying through colour that soaks into my skin..." That's such a liberated, and liberating statement. Very pretty!
Excelent post, I loved it, what a nice painting, and the poem that goes with it. I love the poem, is so well written, I could not help end up singing autumn leaves after reading it.
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