For reasons I have not yet fathomed, there has been some sort of 'Indian Winter' season on UK television... further promotion of Slumdog Millionaire perhaps? However, I am not complaining! My favourite programme has been an entertaining documentary following a three week cooking extravaganza, from Delhi to Kerala, by chef Gordon Ramsay. He travelled to parts of India I have never been, and despite his colourful language, seemed to draw friendliness and compassionate curiosity from every person he met. It was such a joy to see Indians just being themselves, with no focus or emphasis or slant on religion or poverty, just on the joy and bliss and skill of cooking food. Whether it be ant chutney in tribal areas, slow cooked meals in the desert, or the unexpected inclusion of papaya and coconuts. Or whether its origins be Syrian Christian, Malabari Muslim or vegetarian Brahmin. Ramsay's distaste for vegetarian food underwent an incredible change and he was scolded and teased by eminent chefs from Lucknow to the slums of Dharavi. I did love watching it!
My little collection of photographs for this post are all thieved from my
brothers' visits to India. I know they are thinking of me when they take these vibrant, evocative pictures. And I try not to bite my lower lip in envy, but it is hard. Fourteen years away from India and it seems everyone, including Gordon Ramsay, considers it their second home!
I shall return soon, I hope, but in the meantime, it is back into hospital for more Rituximab, and I can only carry these Bombay dreams with me.

I shall return soon, I hope, but in the meantime, it is back into hospital for more Rituximab, and I can only carry these Bombay dreams with me.
Oh Shaista.
Are you going for more treatment back to the hospital or is this for different tests or are you not feeling good.
I hate lupus.
Be well dear one and know I will be thinking of you and giving you all my love and prayers. Don't be there long, just the exact right amount of time to feel well again.
Love Renee xoxo
I will confess that despite my long history and experience in China, I prefer Indian food any day of the year. Just last night, after a long day with my mother, I went to the local Indian restaurant here in Williamsburg where I stop daily for my sustenance and entertainment. At 10:30pm, my boys, as I call my attentive waiters, dished me up Mulligatawny Soup and left overs while they conducted their closing rituals but always seeping back to my lonely table to ask about my mother. They dispense much curry medicine, cure alls and exotic homemade dishes they are sure will make her see again. They wonder aloud why my brothers are not here to help me. My explainations...Hong Kong, Taipei, and Shanghai are dismissed with a a tilted head and a flick of the wrist. Now they refer to my three bothers as the Three Cities. Or one will ask, "So, when is Hong Kong coming again?"
I was admiring the music they had playing and learned it was from Slumdog. As they were helping me into my coat, a suggestion of a new Indian film release I must see was floated.
"The Three Idiots."
I chuckled all the way back to the hospital.
Renee, I am going back in for more treatment - but hopefully it will be a brief stay in hospital..
I know you hate lupus - today my younger brother called it the Devil!! He is trying to arrange wedding plans, but worrying about me is more exhausting.
Jeanne-Ming, you'll never believe it, but I am going to see '3 idiots' tomorrow :) Can't wait!!
These photos are so clear and bright that they almost put one right into them...
Hello, my name is Tracy and this is my first time on your blog-i found it from the twitter lupus group. I also have lupus and have since 1989. I have struggled for many years. I hope you feel better soon. Xoxo
Oh, goodness, Shaista, I hope you feel better soon. Make it a brief stay.
I love Indian food. It is by far my favorite. We have dozens of wonderful Indian restaurants here in Vancouver, and I am in seventh Heaven when I eat Indian food. I would love to go to India sometime. I think it must be beautiful and exotic and wonderful, and I would love to see it.
The pictures are so vibrantly India.
I love Indian food.
I do not know anything about lupus. I hope your treatment goes well.
Oh Shaista. (I thought that and see that Renee said the same.) I too am so sorry you have to go in for more treatment. Starting tomorrow/Monday?
I loved the post, and I am glad you get to take visions of India with you to the hospital. I am one who has come to love India like a second home, even though I've never been. It must be so hard to be away for so long. As a result of your post I have been reminded to add The Story of India dvds to my Netflix queue, thank you.
I was telling Don about your post, and he loves Gordon Ramsay. The fact that Don and I have just gone vegan (health reasons, and science, based on The China Study book) made us intrigued by Ramsay's experience in India! Don saw one episode of one of his TV shows where a woman had a vegan restaurant in Paris that wasn't doing well, and he really didn't get it then. So maybe this will open up adventures and explorations of food the way Don and I have been opened to it now. We feel we've just awakened to new flavors and sensations, as if we just now learned how to enjoy food.
I'm glad for your company on this journey too, Shaista. I'll be thinking of you this week. xxxxxx
Sending healing thoughts your way. May your hospital stay be quick and successful.
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