(Rituximab, Open Infusion Bay, James Ward)

The first drop
takes a long time to fall
that feeds into me.
I glance sideways
at the man
in the adjacent chair
Lucky he does not
see me stare
at the Medusa
tattoed on his arm
His needle penetrates
her charms.
What would they say
if I suddenly stood
and burst into song?
Would they applaud
and encore for more?
and encore for more?

What if the pious stood
and offered up a prayer?
It takes a long
time to heal
As long as the
slow drip
that slips down
that slips down
to steal
my free B cells
The anatomy
of a human disease
has no real
Just a careful
of medical
and military rhymes
While the heart's
for more time.
Images: fotobank.ru
Shaista Angelique had chemo for 3 years for her lupus as it affects her kidney. Was this for something like that.
Are you okay darling.
How much I love you, you can't imagine.
Love Renee xoxo
Wow, I love how your imagination soars even in a hospital. Your mind is healthy and vigorous even if your body is not. I do hope the treatment will help and that you aren’t it too much pain.
Your gentle spirit and intelligence resonates throughout your writings. It is a joy to connect. Our lives are so different and yet the human experience transcends continents and cultures. You are special...I will read everything....
sending you love and light...
be free...
much love
Hi! I haven't visited your blog for quite a while. I hope everything goes alright for you. I love your poetry :)
I will applaud and stand for an encore.
Very strong imagery here. The strange pictures suit the words.
How much of your time is spent in the hospital? I do feel for you.
"The anatomy
of a human disease
has no real
Just a careful
of medical
and military rhymes"
mmmm...love this refusal to give disease a voice. I love your inner strength :)
Please do! Burst into dance the next time!
Healing throughts your way, my dear Shaista!
Your ability to write through this is amazing, and your ability and willingness to let your soul show through every moment, dark and light.
Amazing how your mind remains so creative and calm, whereas I am always getting agitated ..
I should learn from you ...
Love ya ..
That image of a tatoo being punctured will stay with me.
Bless you.
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