Tuesday 24 March 2015


(for Lola Roberts)

If I could believe
this was fated,
each hour, each act -

infinite mistakes,
all carefully counted,
I might relax

and spin lazily
in my own orbit,
name my moons

and be fearless.
That was ever the plan
from the moment

I didn't die.
Or maybe long before
my mother named me

Shaista -

when I was a twinkle
in the sky.
Do parents still say that?

I believed it.
I believed I was a star
fallen plucked precious

jewel. If I could believe
why not now?

© Shaista Tayabali, 2015
screen print 'Harvest Moon' by Sally Elford - you can find more of her work at http://www.sallyelford.co.uk


Sherry Blue Sky said...

Believe, Shaista, because to your admirers, you are as shining as a star, plucked and precious. I love the rolling lazily in your own orbit. There is a story in "from the moment I didnt die".......a poignant and wistful poem. Your Talmud Angel is bending over you whispering: Believe!

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