It is the colour of change
Orange is what you feel
in a flirty skirt
and golden gladiator sandals.
Orange makes love
with her spirit
Has her own chakra
Turns cartwheels
on a national flag.
Can be eaten
by the dozen
in Haiti, on a hot day,
as you climb miles
of dusty track
to visit a dying child.
Orange can save your life.
can be misunderstood
misused, even abused.
Whose eyes are these
that cannot see
that cannot see
the aura of good?
Not the ones concealed
the complementary black hood.
The list of requirements
is simple.
You have to hate.
is simple.
You have to hate.
Declare yourself an Agent
of the Enemy of the State.
Then wait
for the bombs to detonate,
while the detainees contemplate
Who hates who
Just so you know
I am thinking of you
Brothers of the Bay
in your isolated cages
in your suffocating spaces
I am trying to free you
I am trying to believe in you

Poem, copyright 2010, Shaista
This is a moving post Shaista. I am thinking of you, so hopeful for peace inside your body.
orange is bright and unlike a prison cell...I too wish Obama would close the prison. It is inhumane.
This is such an effective piece of writing, Shaista and something I feel strongly about. Who are the real criminals here? So beautifully expressed, your poem is simply magical.
Freedom is peace !
peace is not freedom!
the rainbow creator.
grtn Willy.
Every day for them must be orange hell. Terrific poem, Shaista.
I hope you are feeling well.
Excellent piece, Shaista.
This is what I love about poetry, the expansion of words and their meaning. Orange will never be quite the same again! I loved this piece.
Came over from Flux. I did snoop around, but then left the window open :)
Orange, of the reddish-orange tone, is my favorite color. You gave orange a voice in this poem and I liked it. Very much.
"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do."
You colour orange so well:) Lovely post.
A simple "orange", yet has so many meanings to it ...
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