Sunday 13 June 2010


The days pass me by. And I forget to write.
This is the floating world, the Great Artist's Illusion, a dream that is more real to me than the last ten years have been.
I don't pinch myself. I don't need to remind myself to be here, to remember. I am here with every fibre of my being.
I am in the Garden City. My eyes trail bouganvillea, birds of paradise, frangipani everywhere, orange embellishments weaving in between cars, buildings, people.

I am on the sand, in the sea, swimming in the rain.

There were white butterflies at the wedding. There were two yellow butterflies dancing on the angels at the white washed Armenian Church. There are thunderstorms and smiling friendly faces.

As the Singaporeans say.... "Happiness, can? Can! Can can can!!"

My brother had asked me to write something for the wedding, but I found it impossible to do so while in England. An hour before the ceremony though, on the beach, with the sea singing in my ears, I wrote and later recited the following words...

An Island Marriage

We pray for rain sometimes
Sometimes we pray for sun
In between the heavens dance
This game was all for fun

How but in tears and laughter
Can two families become one?

Here by the rocks and butterflies
Here where the palm trees blow
Here our hearts are cradled
by a love that continues to grow

A love lapped by the seas of time
from the Phillipines to Japan
across English borders
towards Indian shores
We gather our prayers together
and send our blessings forwards

to our beautiful married couple
the beloved wedded ones

to my brother and my sister

Maria-Theresa and Irfan.


Lorenzo — Alchemist's Pillow said...

Nice to see you again, Shaista. Looks and sounds like a wonderful stay in the garden city. I was in Singapore a few years ago and was taken by how luxurious the vegetation is all over the city. I can see how the inspiration for the lovely poem would come to you on the beach in that hour before the ceremony ...

mermaid gallery said...

Your poem brought tears to my eyes...they say you must be happy for art to flow so easily. I am so happy that you are happy.....

Maggie May said...

what gorgeous pictures from your brother's are such a beautiful spirit.

Ruth said...

Hello, Beautiful.

Sara said...

That's a beautiful piece of writing! I love it! And congratulations!

Dan Gurney said...

Nice to hear from you again. Lovely post, and may the marriage be fulfilling and enduring.

Sam Liu said...

I love the synergy and lyricism of your beautiful descriptions...the wedding sounds magical, and your poem is truly marvellous - a brilliant ode to the new couple.

Samosas for One said...


Lele said...

sooo wonderful to hear that you made it to Sing, Shaista! thank you for sharing such beautiful poem with all of us, much love in there, inspiring! congrats to family!

* said...

Beautiful poem, beautiful wedding. I would say you are lucky to have such a brother and gain such a sister, but then again, they are lucky to have you.

Muznah said...

lovely words for lovely memories :)

Muznah said...

I have passed along an award to you:

karen said...

That's a beautiful/gift to your family. so glad things are doing well for you. Hope you are still enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Jeanne-ming Brantingham said...

Beautiful Images
Beautiful words chosen and crafted
by a beautiful sister.

Happy and wonderous

Unknown said...

Beautiful words and congrates to the lovely couple and family.

Unknown said...

Beautiful words and congrates to the lovely couple and family.

Lydia said...

The photo for this post came up on the strip below your most recent post. I enjoyed it so much, especially your poem.

Luxury Apartments Girl said...

You're a beautiful writer, and these pictures really seem to encapsulate total joy!

Somerset Wedding Girl said...

I like the fusion of natural imagery and family cohesion here, it works excellently I think.

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