Tuesday 5 June 2012


The street parties continue unabated up and down the country, and the Mall is flooded with the sea of Her Majesty's men and women and children, satisfied with the merest glimpse of the carriage, and the historical figure within.

As War Horse saluted the Queen and her family on Sunday, rain bucketed down on the Thames and Prince Philip has been taken ill with the chill of six hours of regimented standing. But the smile on his face through those hours as a thousand boats sailed past!

On an earlier occasion, 550 horses from across the Commonwealth danced and trilled their way into the watching Queen's heart, all in perfect symmetry from Chile to Oman except for one set of performers... the white beauties of Jean Francois Pignon, horse whisperer of France, who possessed a freedom and magic all their own. The Queen's love of horses is legendary, second only to her love of dogs,

and of course the other love of her life that has matched decade for decade, a consort who pledged and held his allegiance to a woman, his true love...
And one other love affair - that of a son for his mother - there is something so endearing about Prince Charles - he held the audience of 100,000 lightly, in the palm of his hand, as he urged a loud cheer for his father... "If you cheer loud enough, maybe he will hear you from his room in hospital and get better"...
And finally, the tribute song penned by Gary Barlow and Andrew Lloyd Webber... made memorable by the sweetest of soloists... why do the English pretend to mutter about royalty? They love it!!


Sherry Blue Sky said...

This is such a lovely post, Shaista. LOVE the horse photo on your banner. Glorious. It is rather lovely, isnt it, that the Queen and Prince Philip made it through together? He is very gallant.

The Blog of Bee said...

Love your post. I wanted to write one but just did not have the time. I watched most of the celebrations on BBC World News. They were fantastic and even though I've lived away from the UK< I am a total Royalist and could never imagine a republic as a few want.

Reality: no one does it better when it comes to the pomp and circumstance and or history is phenomenal. The truth is that the Briish and members of the Commonwealth love our royalty to death.

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