Wednesday 29 May 2019


Friends who live away, say
England's green is unlike any other.

So I stop by the bridges,
and let the green wash me clean.

Eyes, ears, nose and... breathe.
I know I live in a conservationist's dream.

The birds mark time with me.
Chweet! Trreet! Prreet!

Have you ever tried to transcribe
the song of a bird? It is beyond me.

I catch Pokémon as I walk - the game
that reflects our real world biome.

On my phone, in the palm of my hand,
friendly creatures snarl and land

feet from me, greeting me.
Old worlds, new worlds,

we are the other, we are each other.

All it takes is a different sense of seeing,
that I am you, and you are me.

Captured now and then,
and now again free.

(c) Shaista Tayabali, 2019
inspired by Anmol for Dverse Poetics: On Wandering & Observing)


Sherry Blue Sky said...

I LOVE the photo of you and the wisteria....wisteria has such a heavenly scent.............what a lovely place to walk, is it near where you live? How wonderful! I love the message that I am you, and you are me. Hope the whole world wakes up and figures that out soon. Hope you are well, my friend. I am just back from the farm, where I enjoyed a lapful of puppy often enough to keep me happy. Smiles. E you soon, kiddo.

Kim M. Russell said...

I may be biased, but I agree that England's green is unlike any other. I too have often ‘let the green wash me clean’, and I like the question about transcribing the song of a bird, it made me smile. Pokemon seems to be a comfort to you.

sarah said...

So I stop by the bridges,
and let the green wash me clean.

I've done that so often.

I enjoyed walking with you. Not so sure about Pokemon, but, hey, if it gets you out of the house!

Astrid's Words said...

We are the other, we are each other. Wise words.

Anmol (HA) said...

Such a peaceful walk — the sights and the feelings they evoke take the form of your words so eloquently. Like others, I love, love this bit: "All it takes is a different sense of seeing,/that I am you, and you are me."
Glad that the prompt inspired you and that you linked up! :-)

calmkate said...

I love the wisdom of this and your creative pics!

brudberg said...

I love how you weaved those pokemon creatures in that wonderful pastures...

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