Monday 15 June 2009

The Heart of Love

There are not many hearts, but one heart only...
quick, eager, glad, alive,
forever acting strongly and serenely,
inviolate, single, whole... the heart of love.

- from 'Change of Heart' by Peter J. Henniker Heaton

In response to my last post, a childhood friend wrote the loveliest of compliments - so lovely I have to share it with you!

Shaista, from reading your poetry, and from hearing all about the troubles you've faced, your courage, and your will to keep on fighting (or rather, because I find that word too violent - loving), I would say that you are already very much in the midst of a great and true love. You seem to be in love with the world, with new life in the spring, with the way the evening falls in your back-garden, with bees that bumble into photographs and things of that sort. You seem to be in love with life and with each new day and the hope it may bring, and perhaps even in love with all the sadness it may bring, because you have accepted it in a way.

Perhaps that's why your heart races so fast--not a medical condition--but a symptom of something greater--an unbearable love for life bursting to get out. You should be proud of that great love inside you, and continue to give it to the world.

Isn't that just the highest and best of compliments?! Thanks Rustom! And thankyou to all of you who read and comment on my blog, and inspire me to live and love and be happy.

With the heart of love,
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