The year has passed. My feet have walked the Warrior's path, my heart has marked the beats between pain and the force of a power I cannot name, only know to be my saving grace.
You have walked beside me. Your shadows cooling me. And in the cradle of your arms your faith has allowed me to heal.
The Way of the Spiritual Warrior is the Way of Friendship.
And I thank you all for teaching me that.
What a strange world we live in; Mmking friends and touching each other over space. Mysterious connections that makes my keyboard as sensitive as my fingertips on skin or hair. I love that you are my friend and in my life.
My last day in Pong Yaeng, the flowers were almost finished. Leigh's wedding bouquet, also almost done...so we dried both in the sun, with our laundry. Then as I made a quick run through each room (making sure no forgotten passports laying around) I laid the petals of both bouquets in a big thick book on Vietnamese architecture then grabbed the note that accompanied the flowers.
What is funny about the note is that the message is your words, but the handwriting is of a Thai clerk with the most amazing neat and curly penmanship.
Happy birthday to "Lupus in Flight"!! I am glad our paths have met :)
Happy new year
What a beautiful life affirming entry. I agree. From one to another, love.
Well, dear Shaista, I have not known you for this whole year of your battle. I am not sure when I started following your blog since I only began blogging in mid-September but, somehow, I found you and have cherished knowing you through this strange medium of the internet. I hold my breath and pray that you will not suffer, that, somehow, you will actually get better, that modern medicine will discover some cure for lupus!
In the meantime, like so many others, I offer love and support.
Happy Blogiversary, Shaista! You have added so much joy to my life. I can't tell you how many times I've read your thoughts and your poems and just sat there in silence - reflecting on what a gift you are to so many.
A very Happy New Year to you!
happy day to you and your wonderful blog! amazing to establish such human bonds across the ether-sphere! i look forward to reading you throughout this new year. kenza
congratulations. glad it worked out so well :)
I've only had the chance to visit occasionally but hope to be more regular in your new year. Your words, thoughts and presence are an inspiration to all of us...Good luck and god bless..
Happy Anniv on Blogosphere! You have great strength and may you be blessed:) Thanks for your friendship too.
Thank you for your comment, which let me come and meet you here. I've been so busy doing nothing much that I haven't been around to visit my blog friends in too long. So, though my wishes are late, I mean them with my whole heart. May your year be filled with laughter. May all your surprises be happy ones. May you remember to count your blessings. May you know each day how very much you are loved. Happy new year, my new and very talented friend.
Happy Blog Anniversary and Happy New Year!
Kitty x
Congratulations, Shaista. I don't remember how I found you, or you found me. I'm just glad. You've touched my heart in a unique way.
So nice to see your lovely smile as you undecorate the tree.
Piles of love to you today.
You are the warrior dear Shaista as are we all in different ways and at different times.
We will never give up.
Love Renee xoxo
I know I'm late! But still I like to say happy anniversary of your blog - you have done well, my friend!
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