Wednesday 12 January 2011

A Symphony in Waiting

This hour is off the cuff
a lost melody
to the perfect rhyme
This hour is all mine -

The fan blows
my body heat
so close
I cannot breathe
so close
I cannot reach
the lyrical seat.

All around me is thunderous
No rain no sound
Just the metaphysics
of another silent round.

~ Shaista
part of Magpie Tales


Sherry Blue Sky said...

So nice to see you posting, Shaista. I LOVE the beautiful photo on your header:) Love the poem too. "This hour is all mine." Cool take on the prompt.

Cloudia said...


Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral



* said...

Love the rhyme and rhythm in this, dear Shaista. Hoping you are well and not snowed in (although if so, all the more chance to write & read!). You are a tiger, you know that? (Meaning strong in heart & spirit!!)

Lisa said...

You are owning something that is not so nice, is that what the poem means. I love it, it is so enigmatic.

Sioux Roslawski said...

I loved the bits of almost-rhyme (off/cuff and rhyme/mine). I agree with Sherry Blue Sky--this Magpie was from an interesting perspective.

Other Mary said...

Intriuging. Would you consider putting the whole poem center aligned under the picture?

Helen said...

.... your Magpie is beautiful!

Tess Kincaid said...

Even in waiting, your life is a beautiful symphony.

Deborah said...

Just the metaphysics
of another silent round.

Shaista said...

@Mary - it's done :)
I'm glad you all like it...
@Ocean Girl, yes I was waiting for something 'not so nice' - the call from the consultant... but she did call tonight, so at least the communication lines are open again.
Now awaiting further analysis of bloods...
Let the music play on, play on...

Andreas said...

Concentrated and vivid. It grips me.

Lost melody...I have one of those - but the other way around.
I found in a notebook lyrics I wrote years ago but i couldn't remember the melody.

It's a delight to have found your blog.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love the imagery.

RNSANE said...

It is so good to see you writing, Shaista, and so beautifully. I hope you are not in pain, lovely one.

The Blog of Bee said...

"Another silent world."

You have have done this so well.

Tumblewords: said...

Wonderful piece - I absolutely love it.

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