Wednesday 2 February 2011


I felt an angel
tread gently on my heart,
And perceiving numerous ripples
withdraw her tender touch.

I heard an angel
whisper gently in my ear,
And beholding disbelief
feed silence to my fear.

The angel saw me cry
and smiled despite my grief,
For the angel saw diamonds
falling from my cheeks.

An old poem for a new time, for all of you, who make me happy.
And for the angel living in our house right now, teaching me guitar chords, the beginner's guide to salsa, the meaning of Malay songs about stars, watching movies from the dark (Black Swan) to the light (Walt Disney's Tangled)... and most importantly, making my brother happy.
Happy birthday Angelina! May a thousand million lanterns float towards you...
and a birthday promise to you all... if the old dreams die, I'll light new ones, for that way lies the art of happiness.


* said...

Guitar chords & salsa, I'm there! And would go see a movie with you anytime.

Mahesh said...

Very beautiful. I hope the ripples subside into gentle waves, bringing you peace and joy.

Take care.

Ruth said...

What a sweet poem.

And angel. Happy birthday to ANGELina.

And you, lighting new dreams. How astonishing you are. The thing is, I have no doubt about it, that you do light new ones, morning, noon and night.

Thank you.

Ruth said...

I meant to thank you for the link to the Rumi blog, in addition to the Rilke one. I really like the images you chose too.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Such a lovely poem, Shaista, and I love your promise to light new dreams......"for that way lies the art of happiness". Yes. You are such a wise old soul!!!! Happy Birthday to Angelina, who sounds like just the absolutely perfect addition to your family!

Sarah Laurence said...

Beautiful poem! My daughter has just started guitar too. Happy birthday to your friend.

Lydia said...

I haven't seen Black Swan yet! You are way ahead of many aspects, I believe.

That header image is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life.

RNSANE said...

That is a very sweet poem. I am happy there is an angel with you
( I suspect there are many angels ).

Rane Anderson said...

I LOVED that moment in Tangled with all of the lanterns. I want that to happen in real life.

What a wonderful poem!! Thank you for sharing:-)


Linda said...

The words of the poem really touched me. I'd like to copy them and do a watercolor picture around them.
I love the layout of your blog., people, information AND especially the poems. Your blog has a pure, classic feel to it.
Please let me know if I can copy your poem. You can find me at the because I have a post on there. Thanks.

Linda said...

I have some beautiful images in my mind for the watercolor. And being a very amateur watercolorist, my challenge is to take those ephemeral images and recreate them on paper.

macK said...

Just....LOVE :)

And next up....presenting Shaista on the guitar!

Relyn Lawson said...

I haven't seen Black Swan yet, but I tell you, I found Tangled to be absolutely delightful!

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