Wednesday 13 July 2011

Money Talks

Money drives by,
it never hitches a ride

Money suns itself
under an umbrella

Money counts
but never sees
an avenue of trees

Money buys
but is never pleased.

- Shaista, 2000

participating in One Shot Wednesday


Brian Miller said... that is some good truth done poetically...

Claudia said...

yep - the real valuable things can't be bought with money...and you expressed this perfectly

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love this, Shaista. When I lived in Tofino, there were two factions: the moneyed, who believed everything is a "resource" for humans, and the idealistic environmentalists, who want to preserve something for the future survival of the planet.

"Money Rules" said one faction. A friend of mine came up with a great thought - "Money rules. But the spirit liberates." Cool, hey?

Anonymous said...

John D. Rockefeller was once asked how much money would be enough: "Just a little bit more."

Jeanne-ming Brantingham said...

ouch! sore subject!

* said...

Such truth in this, Shaista!

Hope you're having a lovely summer, I'm mountained at the moment, mosquitoes, moths, and pine trees my guides. Miss you, hope you are well, tip top, love.

Shaista said...

Jeanne-ming :) I appreciate money, don't we all?!!
I wrote this piece eleven years ago... maybe I'm less idealistic now?
But when I think about friends travelling on shoestring budgets, I still agree with my words :)
Or as Sherry put it... Money rules, but the spirit liberates!

Maude Lynn said...

Marvelous, marvelous closing lines!

Unknown said...

Succinct and practically perfect in every way. Another success!

joanna said...

truth, indeed. I agree with Mama Zen that those last two lines are killer. Nice write.

Vinay Leo R. said...

very true, very true! and it is something that can never be pleased I guess!

My One Shot ~ A Poetic World

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